Why Animated (Story) Video is so Effective


There's a way to stack the deck in your favor the next time you are onboarding a client. It's great to get another sale for your service business but what does your client's experience look like when they work with you?  

Take John for instance... his business is successful but he often finds people have misconceptions about what he does as a CPA. "Right away, they think all I do are taxes but there's a whole lot more to it than that." It's important to John that the clients he does take on have a good experience. He knows that word-of-mouth is an important way to build business. "These days with reviews of your business counting so much, it's important my clients have a good experience." That's why he wants to do an animated onboarding video series for his business! 

When you have various steps in a process to communicate (such as in onboarding new clients), you want your client to understand your process and follow your direction. 

To do so, add 2 impactful ingredients together: Story + Animated Video

First, let's take a look at animated video. 

Animated videos help to simplify complex ideas and make them engaging and easily understood. Here's are a few benefits that make them powerful: 

  • Increased engagement: Animated videos can capture and hold viewers' attention, which can increase their engagement with the message. This can lead to higher retention rates and a greater likelihood that viewers will take the desired action, such as make a purchase or share the video.

  • Improved comprehension: Because animated videos often use visuals and narration to explain complex ideas, they can be more effective than written or spoken explanations alone. Viewers can see and hear the information presented in a way that is easy to understand and remember.

  • Brand awareness: Animated videos can be used to introduce new products or services and promote brand awareness. By creating a video that is memorable, informative and entertaining, businesses can build a positive reputation and generate interest in what they have to offer.

  • Cost-effective: Compared to other forms of videos (i.e. traditional video production) animated videos can be produced at a lower cost. This makes them a popular choice for small businesses or startups with limited budgets.

When produced effectively, animated videos can be a powerful tool for communicating ideas, building brand awareness, and achieving your business objectives such as with hiring and onboarding. 

So, how do you produce video most effectively?  

Combine video with a story. 

It turns out there's science behind telling a story in an effective way.   

Storytelling has been an essential form of communication throughout human history. It is a powerful tool for conveying information, sharing experiences, and influencing people's perceptions and behaviors. Here's some evidence on why storytelling is effective:

1. Stories are memorable: Our brains are wired to remember stories better than facts or data. When we hear a story, our brains create a mental image that sticks with us long after the story has ended. 

A study by the University of Pennsylvania found that stories that follow a traditional narrative structure, are more likely to be remembered and to have a lasting impact than those that lack structure.

2. Stories create an emotional connection: Stories are a powerful way to connect with people on an emotional level. When we hear a story, we often identify with the characters and their experiences, which can evoke strong emotions.

In a study by the Content Marketing Institute, 82% of consumers felt more positive about a brand after reading content that told a story.

3. Stories can simplify complex ideas: Stories can make complex ideas more accessible and understandable. By presenting information in the form of a story, it can be easier for people to grasp and remember.

4. Stories can build trust: When we tell stories, we are sharing a part of ourselves with others. This vulnerability can help to build trust and establish a deeper connection with our audience.

According to research by Dr. Paul Zak, a neuroeconomist at Claremont Graduate University, stories that are highly engaging and emotionally compelling can increase levels of oxytocin, a hormone associated with trust and empathy, which in turn makes people more likely to be persuaded.  

5. Stories can inspire action: Stories have the power to inspire people to take action. When we hear a story about someone overcoming adversity or achieving a goal, we may be motivated to do the same.

A study by the University of North Carolina found that participants who were presented with an emotionally engaging story were more likely to change their opinion on an issue than those who were presented with a dry, fact-based argument.

Using a Story is a no-brainer

If you're in business, it's obvious that you want what you speak about (your products, services, values, goals, objectives) to stick with people.  

So, when you find out that you can increase it by 22 times.... (you're stacking the deck). 

A study by Stanford University found that statistics presented alongside a story were up to 22 times more memorable than statistics presented alone.

Or that you increase the likelihood they remember by 63%... (you're stacking the deck). 

According to a study by Edelman Berland, a global communications firm, 63% of consumers said they remembered the message that told a story, while only 5% remembered a message that presented only facts.

I'm betting that you'll want to start telling stories in all your communications!

Because it is a powerful way to connect with others and convey information in a memorable and impactful way. 

But how do you start? I can help you find out and start building your very own story bank. Email me your questions or if you're ready to jump on a 30-minute brainstorm Zoom call book some time here. Let's mine for your stories... because there's gold to be found in them! 

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