
Personal Story

How to Write 20 Blogs in 30 Days: Increase Traffic, Improve SEO and Create Opportunities

DALL·E 2023-12-30 12.24.34 - A relaxed writer using a vintage typewriter with AI elements like circuit patterns and holograms, surrounded by a whirlwind of colorful, abstract shap

As the end of the year rolled around, I knew I was headed for a change. And I noticed that the people in my network, didn't quite understand it. 

Even after I told them the news that I now had a full suite of marketing services backing me, they still introduced me as a video creator. My next thought was, why would they know (and remember)? After all, everyone has a lot on their mind about their own business and life.

So, I saw a need for an awareness campaign.

But what could I do, as a small …

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Can Social Content Make a Difference? My Social Experiment with LinkedIn Live


Can social media content really make a difference? Some swear by social media, telling me they can trace every client back to their (consistent) social media presence. Others strongly dislike social media and say for them, it's a waste of time. 

Personally, I don't think there is a black-and-white answer to this question. There are a lot of factors to consider, such as quality content, consistency of use, and engagement with other accounts, to name a few.  

My Social Experiment  

About five w…

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STORY: About critical thinking and questions

Belief can be manipulated

A grade school teacher once told my mom, "Kery just wants things to be fair."

In college, I gravitated toward classes like Intercultural Communication, Women's Studies and Rhetoric. I appreciate the differences in people. It just hurt my heart when I saw injustice in the world. And I had a desire to do something about it. What? I didn't know... but something. 

So, while I was in college I looked for ways to further the cause of fairness. In one such instance I volunteered for the Anti Defama…

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