Get the Most out of Content Marketing: Types of Content Marketing and Benefits

Content Marketing

Content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content. Doing this over time, will attract an audience. But being consistent is challenging. Being relevant to someone else's needs instead of just talking about what you want, also takes effort. 

The goal is engagement... what does that mean? Conversations. The whole goal of effective content marketing is to start conversations. Because once you attract with relevant, meaningful content people relate to you. They learn you have expertise and then they want to talk! 

Sure, you may already be using content marketing but are you getting the most out of it. Here are some pointers to keep in mind:   

  1. Blogs and Articles:

    • Writing establishes expertise, improves SEO and provides valuable resources. Businesses are run by people. Find your voice as a business and share industry insights, how-to guides and educational stories. Writing about a topic highlights your expertise and people will look to you for guidance. 

  2. Ebooks and Whitepapers:

    • Offering in-depth content like ebooks and whitepapers can position a you and your business as a leader. You can use them to capture leads by asking people to sign up with their email address in order to get them... but be forewarned: that practice is so common now your book or white paper needs to be of high quality! The good news is, you can use tools like ChatGPT or Jasper and the like to help you along the way. Just be sure to double check their work and make it personal with your tone of voice.   

  3. Infographics:

    • Infographics visually represent complex information in a digestible format. They are easily shareable on social media and can help simplify concepts. Pinterest is BIG for a reason! When you can make the complex easy to understand you've got a superpower! People love to share illustrations of concepts on social media. When you're creating aim to make it share-worthy. 
  4. Videos and Webinars:

    • Video content, including webinars, tutorials and product demonstrations, is highly engaging. It helps build a personal connection with the audience, with the use of a face and a voice. It's the next best thing, aside from in-person communication. It gives the viewer more information to work with as they view and listen to tone of voice, gestures and personality. On camera, you can learn a lot more about whether or not you "like" the person speaking. And that taps into the know, like and trust factor. The goal being, to move them along that continuum faster. 

  5. Podcasts:

    • Podcasts provide a convenient way to consume content on-the-go. They can be used for interviews, discussions and storytelling. Storytelling, when done well, is a powerful tool. It actually has the ability to change people's brain chemistry!  P.S. I just started a podcast on a passion of mine and it's called Holistic Health Heroes (on Apple and Spotify, and clips on Instagram too!). If you're interested in the topic of holistic health I do hope you'll listen. :) 

  6. Social Media Posts:

    • Short-form content on platforms like Instagram and Facebook (etc) help to maintain a consistent reminder that you exist! Social media content can include updates, behind-the-scenes looks and promotional material. To do this effectively, there needs to be value, connection and a well-timed call to action sprinkled in over time. I like to think of social media as my very own billboard -- a much less expensive and more convenient billboard! 

  7. User-Generated Content (UGC):

    • Encouraging your audience (customers and clients) to create and share content related to your brand builds authenticity and trust. UGC can be testimonials, reviews or creative use of your products and services. Give them the option to submit their content in written or video form. Some people are happy to share while others prefer to stay quiet but you'll never know unless you ask. 

  8. Interactive Content:

    • Quizzes, polls, surveys and interactive videos engage people. When they feel engaged they are encouraged to participate in your brand. And that can provide valuable insights into customer preferences. 

  9. Email Newsletters:

    • Regular newsletters keep your audience informed about updates, promotions and relevant industry news. They nurture leads and maintain a connection with your subscribers. Again, it's all about building trust. There's not much more personal than email. 

  10. Case Studies:

    • Sharing success stories and case studies demonstrates the practical application of your products or services. This builds credibility and helps potential customers understand the real-world benefits.

  11. Virtual Events and Livestreams:

    • Hosting virtual events or livestreams allows real-time interaction with the audience. This can include product launches, Q&A sessions or live demonstrations.

How Content Marketing Helps in Your Overall Marketing Strategy:

To do content marketing well, you need a strategy. In other words, what is it for, what is your aim? I don't know about you but I get annoyed when I'm watching a video on social media and catch myself thinking: What is this for? Why is she talking about that now?   

Here are a few ways strategic content marketing can help grow your business. 

  1. Brand Awareness:

    • Content marketing helps increase brand visibility and awareness by providing valuable information that attracts and retains attention.  

  2. SEO Improvement:

    • Regularly updated and relevant content improves search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to discover your brand through organic search.

  3. Lead Generation:

    • Gated content, like ebooks or webinars, can be used to capture leads. Interested users provide their contact information in exchange for valuable content.

  4. Audience Engagement:

    • Engaging content fosters a connection with the audience, encouraging them to interact with your brand, share content, and become loyal followers.

  5. Thought Leadership:

    • By consistently providing valuable insights and expertise, content marketing establishes your brand as a thought leader in your industry. For instance, when I was consistently creating video content I was invited to be a speaker at a conference on the topic of video branding! 

  6. Customer Education:

    • Content helps educate customers about your products or services, addressing their pain points and demonstrating how your offerings provide solutions.

  7. Relationship Building:

    • Regularly sharing content keeps your brand in the minds of your audience, contributing to long-term relationship building and customer retention.

  8. Social Media Presence:

    • Social media is a crucial channel for content distribution. Sharing engaging content on social platforms increases your brand's reach and encourages audience interaction.

  9. Differentiation:

    • Unique and high-quality content sets your brand apart from competitors, helping you stand out in a crowded market.

  10. Measurable Results:

    • Content marketing allows for the measurement of key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, lead conversions and social media engagement, enabling data-driven decision-making. 

You'll notice I didn't say make more "sales." Sales and marketing work together... and they are unique. To increase revenue, you need to have the right offer, consider price with the right audience and create urgency (among other things). But growing an audience is critical to making sales. And that's what effective content marketing will do. 

Your Next Content Marketing Move

As you can see there are a lot of factors that work together to make content marketing effective. These points, connected to an effective sales strategy is what will get you to the next level.

If you'd like to discuss how we can take you content marketing to the next level then reach out! 

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