

Level Up Your Brand Power - with The 8 C’s of Enduring Power


As Shakespeare famously wrote, “What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” This, from Romeo and Juliet, is about the fact that names mean what we make them mean, as they did for the Montagues and Capulets. 

So, what is a brand name anyway? Who decides the strength of a brand -- the consumer or the company founder? And how can you improve the strength of your own brand? 

Let’s break it down.


As language evolves and perspective widens…

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Why Clubhouse is Annoying and Amazing + Tips to Boost Your “Talk Power"

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I’m no early adopter but I am interested in exploring new opportunities. So, as Clubhouse started blowing up in popularity recently, I got curious… and an unsolicited invite.

So, I joined, turned notifications on and participated in a few “rooms” to check it out. This audio-only, community-based social media platform does have its advantages:

  • bringing together without the pressure of video, meeting and connecting with people worldwide, getting access to big-name leaders, to name a few.


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