

Customer Retention is a Marketing Strategy


Did you know that 68% of business is lost due to apathy after the sale? When I read that I thought - "YES! Finally, vindication that all that customer relationship management (CRM) work is very much worth it." I've always been a big advocate for ongoing customer communication. Maybe it's because that is a role I held in my various marketing roles in the past. 

So much effort (and money) is focused on gaining new customers in marketing. Yet many take for granted this valuable continuing conversa…

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A Business Owners Guide to Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in Marketing

NLP in Marketing

I bought a book about NLP in public speaking awhile back. It's called Presenting Magically, Transforming Your Stage Presence with NLP. I thought it provided some good, straightforward guidance on the topic. Was it magic? No. But are there valuable techniques to help you master the stage? Yes, absolutely. 

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a psychological approach that connects neurological processes, language and behavioral patterns. Developed in the 1970s by Richard Bandler…

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Then and Now AI: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Advantages for Small Business

AI in Marketing

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Is it a dream or does it bring you dread? AI is is a big category. So, when I hear people say "AI" my next thought is, "what kind?" 

I can't help but think that while new versions of AI are continuing to roll out, there are AI tools that are so embedded in our lives already that we don't even think of them as "AI" anymore. And perhaps recognizing this would dispel some of the fear some people have about it. Plus, I simply refuse to be an old fuddy d…

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A Gift of Strategic Holiday Marketing: Beyond Discounts

Holiday Marketing

Holidays aren't just about festive decorations and joyful celebrations. They also offer a prime opportunity for businesses to elevate their marketing!  While discounts and promotions have their place, there's much more to leveraging holidays for marketing than meets the eye.

Here, I wanted to share five tips on how to best harness the power of marketing during holidays, beyond predictable discounts. And I did a mini brainstorm on a few not-so-obvious holidays to get you started on how to includ…

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A Marketing Necessity: Target Audience Analysis


If you have never heard "know your audience" in marketing, then you must have been living under a rock. Or maybe you just haven't worked with any marketing professionals. 

Understanding your target audience is crucial component of any kind of marketing. That's why conducting target audience analysis is an important step.   

So, whether you're a business owner looking to expand your reach or a marketing professional aiming to optimize campaigns, here are some tips on   how to conduct target aud…

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Video Marketing: When to Go Pro Vs. Doing Video Yourself

VIDEO Marketing

I've been involved with video creation since college. Taking video and TV production classes were some of the highlights of that time! Being made fun of for being the the AV club was a badge of honor. And volunteering to work on an indie film was a memory I'll never forget.  

These days, more than ever before, we have access to creating our own videos and sometimes that makes a lot of sense. But there is a time and place for it just as much as there is a time to choose to hire professional vide…

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Guerrilla Marketing Unveiled: A Game-Changer for Small Businesses

Guerilla Marketing

Guerrilla marketing gets its name from guerrilla warfare. In warfare, it's about raids and ambushes. In other words, it's all about the element of surprise.  

When I think of guerilla marketing I think of life-size King Kong footprints on the beach to promote an upcoming film (something a friend of mine once did for his job in California). 

But after reading the updated version of Guerrilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business, you might be…

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Subscription-Based Business Models: Unlocking Success and Avoiding Pitfalls


From streaming services to meal kit deliveries, subscriptions have become a prevalent and effective strategy for building customer loyalty and recurring revenue streams. 

You may have wondered, "how can I get in on the subscription-based business model for my business? What could I offer as a subscription?" I know I have wondered this from time-to-time.  

So, this article explores what makes a subscription model successful and what are some mistakes often made by those who start them.  

But f…

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Mastering a Product Launch: Strategies for Success on Any Budget


Have you ever launched something only to be disappointed with lackluster results? It can be deflating and costly. Launching a new product or service is exciting but before you get too caught up in the excitement of "new" take some time to plan so you achieve positive results. Because it's one thing to be bright, shiny and new and another to strategically introduce your offer to the market so it's well received. 

In this article, I will cover some effective product launch strategies, marketing o…

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Event Marketing vs. Experiential Marketing For Small Business

20 Event Marketing

You've probably attended an event this week to network. If so, that's an example of event marketing. But what is experiential marketing? I can hear you thinking, "wait, isn't an event an experience?" Well yes, yes it is. But it turns out that while the two have some similarities, they are also different.

Let me explain... 

Event Marketing:

Event marketing is a specific event such as a trade show conference, product launch, festival or any time where businesses have the opportunity to showcase…

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